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NHS Health Checks

What is an NHS Health Check?

The NHS Health Check is a free check-up of your overall health. It can tell you whether you’re at higher risk of getting certain health problems, such as:

During the check-up you’ll discuss how to reduce your risk of these conditions.

If you’re aged over 65, you’ll also be told about symptoms of dementia to look out for.

How can I improve my test results?

Once you’ve had your NHS Health Check, your healthcare professional will discuss your results with you. You’ll be given advice to help you lower your risk of a stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes or dementia, and maintain or improve your health. But you don’t have to wait until then to make healthy changes. Take the How are You Quiz below and start now with the health apps and trackers.

We’ve listed below some links to useful information and online tools.

NHS Health Checks

If you’re aged 40 to 74 and do not have a pre-existing health condition, you should be invited to an NHS Health Check by your GP or local council every 5 years. If you think you are eligible but have not been invited, contact your GP surgery to find out if they offer NHS Health Checks or contact your local council to find out where you can get an NHS Health Check in your area. Some pharmacies also offer NHS Health Checks.


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