Health Champions – Substance Misuse Awareness Training
What is Substance Misuse Training?
Substance misuse is the use of any mind-altering substance that severely affects a person’s physical and mental health, social situation and responsibilities; substances can be legal (such as prescribed medications) or illegal (such as cocaine, heroin or novel psychoactive substances). Substance misuse is a complex issue affecting individuals, families and whole communities. There are high levels of ill-health relating to substance misuse which create an excessive burden not only on healthcare but also on social care, the criminal justice system and communities.
The course covers the following objectives:
- The classification and descriptions of the different substances available (both prescription and illegal) including their cost, side effects and withdrawal symptoms.
- The numbers of those receiving treatment in Sunderland for the abuse of different substances
- The signs to look out for of those who are misusing substances.
- The location of dispensing pharmacies and needle exchange programmes in Sunderland
- Promoting positive behaviour change through the Stages of Change model.
- The detoxification process and the role of hospital nurses
For information on the next available dates please contact
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