Wear Recovery Drug and Alcohol Service
We are based across 3x sites: Riverview Health Centre (Hendon), Washington Health Centre (The Galleries), and Houghton Health Centre. For address info check out our website.

We help adults, young adults (18+), and families who are struggling with drugs and alcohol. Our services can support you through your journey to recovery. We can also give you advise about reducing the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol. Our services are free and confidential. They’re open to anyone experiencing difficulties with substance use.
How we help:
We know that it isn’t always easy to take that first step and visit a service for the first time. When you first visit one of our services, someone will sit down with you to discuss your challenges and goals and answer any questions you have. You can also self-refer online or via phone. We can help you to find the tools you need to help you reach your goals. We do also accept referrals from third parties, meaning a professional is able to make a referral.
We can answer any questions you have about:
- Prescription and over the counter medications.
- Alcohol use.
- Drugs (including steroids).
- How drugs or alcohol are affecting your mental health.
What we offer:
- Advise and support.
- Tailored reduction plans.
- Free access to support tools, such as the ‘Breaking Free Online’ app.
- An experienced team of health and care staff, nurses and doctors.
- Employment and training support.
- Links to recovery coaches, community fellowships and support from people who share familiar life experiences.
- A specialist family service (who also support friends and carers).
- Connections to a range of local partners in the care sector, and the NHS.
- Naloxone – a drug that can stop the effects of overdose and save lives.
- We offer access to groups, group sessions are optional but are a mix of social support groups and structured educational sessions. You do not necessarily have to share in these sessions.
- Medical and health checks.
- Wear Recovery can help support people to access community detoxes and access funded rehab placements.
Ongoing support:
You can get lots of ongoing support, including: relapse prevention, wellbeing and support groups, post treatment check-ups, volunteering and mentoring opportunities.
We want everyone to feel at home at Wear Recovery.
We work with people from all backgrounds and walks of life, including some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. We are working together to make our society more equal and inclusive. On top of this we work with people using a range of substances and using different amounts. Even if you don’t use daily we can still offer some support.
We are committed to always improving the way that we help and support our communities. You can find out more about Change Grow Live’s approach to equality, diversity and inclusion on our website at www.changegrowlive.org
We will always ask you what we can do with any information we have about you. The only time we would break this confidentiality would be if we were worried about you or someone else’s safety. We would always try and talk to you about this before it happens. To find out more about how we use your data, please visit www.changegrowlive.org/privacy-notice
We never want you to feel under pressure at our services. We will always make sure that we have your consent before we give you any medical treatment or support packages. We’ll chat with you to make sure that you have all the information and time you need to make any decisions about your care.
Registration and referrals:
If you would like to speak to somebody about your alcohol or drug use you can contact the service directly by phone, e-mail, or by dropping in yourself. Doctors, family members, carers and friends, or any other agency, such as social services, can refer somebody into the service.
Get in touch:
If you would like to talk in confidence about your situation or are worried about someone else, please get in touch to find out more. You can contact us via e-mail, a form on our website, and by telephone. See full contact details below. You can also follow us on social media to see what’s happening in the community.
Numbers in treatment:
We average over 1,500 people in treatment at any one time. You are not alone in your journey. If you want to link in with others receiving support we also offer a buddying up system called ‘pods’ as well as group access. We have a proven track record of people leaving our service achieving success. Your treatment goal may be abstinence or reduction but we want to help support you to achieve your goal.
Not sure if this service is for you?
Accessing our service is free of charge. Why not call up to discuss your needs, if you don’t want to access our service we may be able to give some brief advise. Our 0800 number is also a free phone number. Once you enter treatment you are free to leave at any point so why not give us a call? If you work or have caring responsibilities we may still be able to work with you around your commitments. We will also ask for your contact preferences, so you can choose if we leave voicemails or send letters, meaning we can offer confidential support.