Sunderland Health Champions

The programme is split into 2 options as described below:

Health Messengers

As a Health Messenger, we just ask that you cascade health messages from the Health Champions Team to your networks.  You’ll also receive a monthly newsletter and have the chance to participate in “optional” quarterly network meetings.

Health Champions

For those who wish to become a Health Champion, we request that you complete 3 core training modules –

Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) Understanding Health Improvement – Level 2
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Smoking Brief Intervention
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Alcohol Brief Intervention

After completion of the core modules, you become a Health Champion and gain a certificate.   

Both Health Messengers and Health Champions can access further optional health related training modules depending on what is of interest/relevance to you.

 To sign up please complete a registration form via the link below:


What clients say about our service

This programme really helped me to have difficult conversations to influence positive behaviour change. My friend has now reduced her weekly alcohol units from 32 to 10

Meg Dapeg

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