65725 New Tennis Courts Opening Hetton Park 2023 Scaled Aspect Ratio 1600 900

Tennis Courts at Barnes Park

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Barnes Park, 7 Barnes Park Road, Sunderland, SR4 7PY
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7 days per week 8am-8pm

Free to £3.00

Two newly refurbished tennis courts are available to book in Barnes Park. 

You can book to play with a friend or visit Sunderland Parks Tennis / Home to find information about coached sessions that run during school holidays. 

To book visit Barnes Park / Booking / Book by date

Please note the courts are not floodlit

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Active Sunderland

Active Sunderland's aim is to develop an 'All together an Active Sunderland - a city where everyone is as active more...



Barnes Park

7 Barnes Park Road, Sunderland, SR4 7PY

7 days per week 8am-8pm